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Victoria's Child Safe Standards

Victoria’s Child Safe Standards are a set of mandatory requirements to protect children and young people from harm and abuse.

The Child Safe Standards (the Standards) commenced in Victoria in January 2016. After six years, we have seen how the Standards improve safety for children and young people.

Changes have been made to make our Standards even stronger. The new Child Safe Standards came into force on 1 July 2022 and organisations now need to comply with these new Standards.

DerDieDas Inc. Child Safe Standards

Standard 1 – Empowerment 

DerDieDas Inc. provides a culturally safe environment in which the diverse and unique identities and experiences of Aboriginal children and young people are respected and valued

DerDieDas Inc. 

  • ensures that all children can express their culture and enjoy their cultural rights

  • does not tolerate any racism and, if identified, will expel any family from all of its programs

  • encourages all participants to familiarise themselves with these standards and watch a short video Keeping Our Kids Safe: Understanding Cultural Safety in Child Safe Organisations

  • supports participation and inclusion of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families. Regardless of a family’s background, all children are welcome in the DerDieDas Inc. programs if they fulfil the entry requirements of the relevant program/group

  • has policies, procedures, systems, and processes in place that support a culturally safe and inclusive environment that meets all cultural backgrounds, including the needs of Aboriginal children, young people, and their families.

Standard 2 – Governance 

DerDieDas Inc. is committed to Child Safety and Wellbeing, which is embedded in its leadership, governance, and culture

DerDieDas Inc. is committed to promoting and protecting the interests and safety of all children. Every volunteer or person otherwise engaged by DerDieDas Inc. is responsible for the protection of all children:

  • Every volunteer/person engaged by DerDieDas Inc. must hold a valid Working With Children Check

  • Every facilitator engaged by DerDieDas Inc. must present a recent police clearance certificate

  • Every volunteer/person engaged by DerDieDas Inc. has the responsibility of immediately reporting any information about child abuse or suspected child abuse

  • Staff and volunteers understand their obligations on information sharing and recordkeeping

If you see or suspect any sort of child abuse (physical, emotional, neglect, sexual) or racism, you are expected to report this immediately to keep our children safe and well!

Send a confidential email to DerDieDas* (attach DerDieDas Inc. Child Safe Form)

DerDieDas Inc. will

  • offer support to the child, its parents, the person who reports, the accused person

  • initiate internal processes to ensure the safety of the child, clarify the nature of the complaint and commence a disciplinary process if required

  • keep an internal record of complaints, to be reviewed at our quarterly committee meetings

  • decide, in accordance with legal requirements and duty of care, whether the matter should/must be reported to the police or Child Protection and act upon it as required


DerDieDas Inc. Child Safe Code of Conduct 

In accordance with DerDieDas Inc.’s Child Safe Commitment, all volunteers, families, and others engaged by DerDieDas Inc. are required to demonstrate child safe behaviour and support the safety, participation, wellbeing, and empowerment of children by:

1. Maintaining a duty of care towards others involved in DerDieDas Inc. programs/ activities

2. Always establishing and maintaining a child-safe environment

3. Being fair, considerate and honest with others

4. Treating children with respect and valuing their ideas and opinions 

5. Allowing children to participate in age-appropriate decisions about activities, topics, etc.

6. Acting as positive role models for children

7. Respecting the privacy of children, their families and carers, and only disclosing information, such as a child’s behaviour or current state of development, to people who have a need to know

8. Taking all reasonable steps to protect children from abuse while treating everyone with respect 

9. Reporting any allegations of (suspected) child abuse to DerDieDas and sharing information appropriately and lawfully with other authorities and organisations where the safety & wellbeing of children are at risk

10. Contacting the police if a child is at immediate risk of abuse (call 000). Reporting suspected child abuse is every adult’s responsibility. Failure to protect a child from abuse and failure to disclose suspected abuse is against the law.

11. If an allegation of child abuse is made, ensuring as quickly as possible that the child is safe.

12. Equal treatment of all children (this applies when disciplining and praising children)


In addition, all facilitators and volunteers in DerDieDas Inc.’s programs must

13. Obtain and maintain a valid Working With Children Check

14. Watch the Keeping Our Kids Safe: Understanding Cultural Safety in Child Safe Organisations 


No person shall:  

1. Shame, humiliate, oppress, belittle or degrade children

2. Discriminate against any child (including culture, disability, ethnicity, gender or race)

3. Engage in any activity with a child that is likely to harm them physically or emotionally

4. Initiate or exhibit unnecessary physical contact with a child, or do things of a personal nature for them that they can do for themselves

5. Be alone with a child unnecessarily and for more than a very short time

6. Develop a ‘special’ relationship with a specific child for their own needs

7. Show favouritism through inappropriate attention, provision of gifts/ special treatment for a specific child

8. Arrange contact, including online contact, with children outside of the organisation’s programs/ activities

9. Photograph or video a child without its guardian’s consent nor share pictures or videos showing a child other than their own on any platform or with any individuals other than DerDieDas Inc.’s online member login section

10. Work with children while under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs

11. Express offensive personal views on cultures, race or sexuality in the presence of children

12. Engage in open discussions of a mature or adult nature in the presence of children

13. Use inappropriate language in the presence of children

14. Do anything in contravention of the DerDieDas Inc.’s policies, procedures or this code


Standard 3 – Participation 

DerDieDas Inc. empowers children and young people and lets them participate in decisions affecting them. DerDieDas Inc. always takes ideas, views and opinions of children and young people seriously.

In empowering and involving children and young people, DerDieDas Inc.

  • listens to, acknowledges and values what children are saying and takes their views seriously

  • informs children about their rights, and, where possible, involves and consults them in the planning of the DerDieDas Inc. programs in an age-appropriate manner

  • values children and young people learning new skills, building self-esteem and developing an understanding of collaboration and rights

  • understands that children are more likely to support an outcome when their views are valued and listened to

  • provides feedback to children about how their views have informed decision-making

  • promotes a culture of child safety within the organisation: When children feel safe, they are more likely to speak up and report abuse

  • recognises the importance of friendships for children to feel safe and connected and, hence, promotes peer connection and collaboration where possible

DerDieDas Inc. ensures that children’s participation is 

  • ethical

  • age appropriate and child-friendly

  • culturally respectful

  • inclusive of a diverse range of children, demonstrating respect for children of all ages, abilities, social and cultural backgrounds

  • positive and fun

  • voluntary and with informed consent.

In investigating an incident of reportable child safe conduct, DerDieDas Inc. ensures to 

  • be clear, honest and realistic about the boundaries of a discussion and what can change,

  • give adequate time to consult and make sure the venue is appropriate,

  • engage adults who are skilful in facilitating the participation of children,

  • be clear about whether the discussion will be confidential or if the outcomes will be made public,

  • monitor the impact our consultation may have had on the children involved,

  • have procedures in place to provide support to any child who may be distressed because of their involvement or disclosure of concerns.

Standard 4 – Community Involvement

DerDieDas Inc. informs and involves families in promoting child safety and wellbeing.

DerDieDas Inc. promotes child safety and wellbeing in its community by regularly

  • seeking the participating families’ input and feedback regarding our programs 

  • communicating our child safe approach and making relevant information accessible

  • inviting participating families to contribute to DerDieDas Inc.’s governance 

  • being involved in the program as a primary carer of a participating child

Standard 5 – Equity and Diversity

DerDieDas Inc. ensures to be equitable in the provision of their services by acknowledging and respecting each child’s and family’s unique and diverse background.

In promoting the wellbeing, inclusion, learning, and development of children from linguistically and culturally diverse backgrounds, DerDieDas Inc.

  • ensures that staff and volunteers understand children’s diverse circumstances 

  • provides support and respond to those who are vulnerable

  • ensures that children have access to information, support and complaints processes in ways that are culturally safe, accessible, age appropriate, and easy to understand

  • pays particular attention to the needs of children and young people with a disability, allergy, or other medical needs, those who are unable to live at home, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex children

  • pays particular attention to the needs of Aboriginal children to provide a culturally safe environment

Standard 6 – Qualification of Staff

DerDieDas Inc. applies highest care and due diligence in ensuring that all individuals working with children and young people within any DerDieDas Inc. programs are suitable and supported to reflect child safety and wellbeing values in practice.

In ensuring to fulfil this standard, DerDieDas Inc. has adopted principles in the recruitment process, including pre-recruitment, recruitment and post-recruitment activities, as well as staff/ volunteer/ contractor management that will support the safety and wellbeing of children and young people. This extends to maintaining record keeping processes in relation to child safety and wellbeing and comply with information sharing and reporting obligations.

Standard 7 – Reporting Processes

DerDieDas Inc.’s processes for complaints and concerns are child focused.

In complying with this standard, DerDieDas Inc. has adopted a child safe reporting policy and procedure. DerDieDas Inc. ensures that all participating families and children are aware of this policy and procedure.

DerDieDas Inc.’s Child Safe Reporting Policy

If you believe a child is in immediate danger or harm you must call the Police on 000.

Who can report an incident?

Anyone involved with DerDieDas Inc.: a child, facilitator, parent, volunteer

What should you report?

Any child safety concern, which may include:

  • Disclosure of abuse, or harm, or racism

  • Allegation, suspicion or observation of abuse or harm

  • Continuous observation of bruises on a child's body

  • Breach of DerDieDas Inc. Child Safe Code of Conduct

  • Environmental safety issues

  • Grooming (note: grooming, defined as “the actions of a sexual or other kinds of predator setting the stage for abusing another, such as a child or other person, e.g. by gaining the trust of this other person over a period of time”, is considered a sexual/ criminal offence and can be prosecuted, meaning a chain of action that is considered grooming is enough to prosecute, nothing else has to happen)


How can you report? 

The best way to report is to fill in the DerDieDas Inc. Child Safe Reporting Form and send it to our confidential Email address DerDieDas However, if you prefer, you may also talk to any of the DerDieDas Inc. Management Committee members via phone or in person. When you do so, please bear in mind to respect the privacy of everyone involved (e.g. be aware of bystanders who might listen in).

What happens next?

DerDieDas Inc. ensures to

  • offer support to the child, the parents, the person who reports and the accused person (if engaged or otherwise related to DerDieDas Inc.),

  • initiate internal processes to ensure the safety of the child, clarify the nature of the complaint and commence the disciplinary process (if required)

  • forward the report to the Commission for Child Safety for Children and Young People (CCYP), as per legal requirements,

  • decide, in accordance with legal requirements and duty of care, whether the matter should/ must also be reported to the police or Child Protection and make report as soon as possible if required.

What will be the outcome?

All individuals involved will be informed about the outcome of the investigation in due time. If necessary, disciplinary actions will be taken and policies and procedures updated where required. DerDieDas Inc. takes complaints seriously, and responds to them promptly and thoroughly, co-operates with law enforcement, and meets reporting, privacy, and employment law obligations. 

Standard 8 – Ongoing Education

DerDieDas Inc. provides all staff, contractors and volunteers with information and training (where applicable) to ensure they have the knowledge, skills and awareness of how to keep children and young people safe.

DerDieDas Inc. regularly provides

  • all individuals working with children with supporting information on how to implement DerDieDas Inc.’s child safety and wellbeing policy, including the child safe reporting process and how to respond to a disclosure 

  • all staff, contractors and volunteers with additional training and information that helps recognise indicators of child harm, including harm caused by other children and young people

  • support and information on how to maintain and enhance a culturally safe environment for children and young people

Standard 9 – Safe Environments

DerDieDas Inc. provides safe environments for children, both physically and online.

DerDieDas Inc. strives to identify and mitigate risks in the online and physical environments without compromising a child’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities.


DerDieDas Inc. ensures that

  • all venues used for DerDieDas Inc. activities must pass a risk assessment to identify potential hazards that could harm children or young people 

  • the DerDieDas Inc. Code of Conduct and Child Safe Standards extend to online environments in which DerDieDas Inc. operates in

  • all individuals engaged by DerDieDas Inc. identify and mitigate risks in physical and online environments without compromising a child or young person’s right to privacy, access to information, social connections and learning opportunities

DerDieDas Inc. Risk Management

DerDieDas Inc. has a duty to provide a safe environment for its children in care, its volunteers and anyone else engaged by or associated with the organisation. DerDieDas Inc. further ensures to provide a reliable development path for the organisation. DerDieDas Inc. Risk Management and Risk Assessment will help to minimise identified risks and avert their avert consequences.



Risk is the probability that an occasion that presents a danger to our organisation, staff, volunteers, children and families, or the general public, may arise. It includes, but is not limited to,

  • potential harm of any form to children

  • physical hazards

  • financial hazards

  • reputational hazards

  • legal hazards



Prior to commencement of a service from a particular venue, DerDieDas Inc.´s Management Committee is required to develop a Risk Assessment (“RA”) for that venue, which

  • is circulated to all participating families, facilitators and volunteers for review and sign-off upon their initial involvement with DerDieDas Inc. and annually thereafter

  • is reviewed and updated by an assigned person of the Management Committee at least once a year (or more frequently if the need arises)

  • gets updated and any changes communicated via email as the need arises.


It is the responsibility of everyone to inform DerDieDas Inc.´s Management Committee on DerDieDas of a new risk that has not been identified and addressed prior. DerDieDas Inc. Management Committee will act in the best interest of the organisation when making financial decisions. All decisions must be signed off by the majority in a Management Committee meeting.

Standard 10 – Review of Standards

DerDieDas Inc. regularly reviews its Child Safe Standards to ensure these are contemporary and functioning in keeping all participating children safe.

DerDieDas Inc.

  • reviews and, if necessary, updates, its Child Safe Standards and associated policies and procedures at least on an annual basis, at the beginning of each calendar year

  • promptly reviews and analyses all complaints, concerns and safety incident reports received

  • reports on the findings of relevant reviews to all staff, contractors, volunteers, families, and children involved with the organisation

Standard 11 – Policies and Procedures

DerDieDas Inc. regularly reviews its Child Safe Standards to ensure these are contemporary and functioning in keeping all participating children safe

DerDieDas Inc. ensures that

  • policies and procedures address all Child Safe Standards,

  • policies and procedures are documented and easy to understand, 

  • best practice models and stakeholder consultation informs the development of policies and procedures, leaders champion and model compliance with policies and procedures,

  • staff and volunteers understand and implement policies and procedures.

©2024 by DerDieDas Inc.

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